The Experience of Peritumoral Application of Recombinant Tumor Necrosis Factor – Thymosin-α1 upon Locally Advanced Breast Cancer of IIВ – IIIВ Stage


Prevention and Cytokine Based Therapy of Oncology Diseases


The Role of Cytokines in the Chemoterapy of Malignant Tumors: Practice in the Application of Cytokine Drugs Refnot® and Ingaron® upon Extensive Neoplastic Processes with Multiple Metastases


Interferon Gamma, Tumor Necrosis Factor – Thymosin Alpha-1– Anti-Infective and Anti-Tumor Cytokines


A pilot study of the tumour necrosis factor – alfa 1-thymosin fusion protein (Refnote®) intratumoral injections in patients with disseminated malignant melanoma

Alexey Novik, MD, PhD; N.N. Petrov, Research Institute of Oncology St. Petersburg, Russia


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